On May 28th, vote Tony Gonzales out of Congress.Tony has betrayed his constituents of Texas District 23, and the American people.

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Tony's Disqualifications

Rep. Tony Gonzales has repeatedly voted against the interests of his constituents, inflicting lasting damage on the people of Texas, as well as the American people in the process. Here are just some of his most egregious disqualifications.

  • Voted for more Gun Control and Red Flag Laws

    On June 24th, 2022, Rep. Tony Gonzales voted in favor of S. 2938, the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,” which supports red flag laws, imposes additional firearm restrictions, and expands background checks. President Biden signed the bill into law on June 25th, 2022. Rep. Tony Gonzales's vote on this legislation is seen as conflicting with Principles 1 and 8 in the Republican Party of Texas Platform, which stress fidelity to the original principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutions of the United States and Texas and the inherent right of individuals to defend themselves and their property.

  • Refused to Support the Border Safety and Security Act of 2023

    Rep. Tony Gonzales, whose district covers 843 miles of the Texas border, is the sole Texas Republican not backing H.R. 29 Border Safety and Security Act of 2023, sponsored by Rep. Chip Roy and co-sponsored by 49 other Republicans. This contradicts the Republican Party of Texas #2 Legislative Priority to "secure the border and protect Texans." Rep. Tony Gonzales has publicly criticized the bill, claiming it would block all asylum, including legitimate claims, and perpetuated the misconception that proponents of border security are anti-immigrant. He also denounced this stringent border security proposal as an "un-Christian, anti-immigrant bill."

  • Refused to Sign a Letter Supporting Gov. Abbott's Efforts to Defend Texas' Sovereignty from the Biden Administration

    On February 2nd, 2024, Rep. Tony Gonzales was the only Republican in the Texas delegation who did not sign a letter by Rep. Keith Self in support of Governor Abbott's efforts to defend Texas' sovereignty against the Biden administration's border policies. This further raises grave concerns about his stance on crucial border security issues.

  • Voted Against Requiring a Warrant to Spy on Americans

    On April 12th, 2024, Rep. Tony Gonzales voted against Rep. Andy Biggs's amendment to Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), which sought to require a warrant for surveillance of Americans' communications under Section 702 of FISA, addressing privacy concerns. The amendment was tied in the House at 212-212, resulting in the measure failing.

  • Voted Against the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act

    On April 17th, 2024, Rep. Tony Gonzales voted "Nay" on the "Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act." This act aimed to prohibit law enforcement and intelligence agencies from buying data from data brokers to circumvent the Fourth Amendment. The act passed with a vote of 219 in favor and 199 against, and is currently pending in the Senate.

  • Voted for an Independent Commission to Investigate January 6th

    On May 19th, 2021, Rep. Tony Gonzales broke ranks with most House Republicans from Texas by supporting a bill for an independent commission to investigate January 6th. The bill, passed 252-175, aimed to form a bipartisan commission with subpoena powers. However, the Senate blocked the bill through a Republican filibuster.

  • Republican Party of Texas Censured Rep. Tony Gonzales

    On March 4th, 2023, the Republican Party of Texas censured Rep. Gonzales for repeated deviations from party principles like traditional marriage, second amendment rights, freedom, and border security. This censure, backed by a majority in his district, received 57 in favor, 5 against, and 1 abstention, marking just the second time Rule 44 has been invoked in Texas GOP history.

  • Voted For Warrantless Surveillance and Woke Ideology in the Military

    Tony voted for the Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA (118th Congress, H.R. 2670) which includes provisions for warrantless FISA surveillance and promotes woke racial policies in the military.

  • Voted to Fund a Federal Vaccine Tracking Database

    Tony Gonzales voted to spend $400 million for vaccine databases that could violate Americans' privacy by tracking their vaccination status (117th Congress, H.R. 550).

  • Voted to Allow the ATF to Override State Gun Rights

    Tony Gonzales voted for the Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institutional Transparency Initiative Act (117th Congress, H.R. 2471) which includes funding for the ATF to enforce federal gun control laws.

  • Voted for Taxpayer Funding of Drag Shows on Military Bases

    Tony voted against an amendment to prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding Department of Defense drag shows and 'pride' events (118th Congress, Amendment 175 to H.R. 4365).

  • Voted to Violate Religious Freedom

    Tony's vote on H.R. 8404 (117th Congress) threatens the tax-exempt status of religious nonprofits and organizations opposing same-sex marriage.

  • Voted to Send Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to Defend Ukraine’s Border

    Tony voted to allocate $40 billion to defend Ukraine's border without proper oversight (117th Congress, H.R. 7691).

  • Voted to Fund Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

    Tony voted for the first continuing resolution of 2021, funding vaccination mandates without controlling excessive spending in Washington (116th Congress, H.R. 5305).

  • Voted For Taxpayer Funding of Abortions

    Tony supported federal funding for abortion in the 116th Congress (H.R. 239).

  • Voted Against Removing Armed Forces from Syria

    Tony voted against removing US Armed Forces from Syria in a legislation during the 118th Congress (H. Con. Res. 21), and later an American was killed in Syria.

Tony's congressional record is not only disqualifying, but it's a direct assault on the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the freedom and liberty of the American people.

Tony's Constant Lies

Rep. Tony Gonzales, confronted with a challenging primary battle, has resorted to spreading blatant lies about his opponent. Numerous X (formerly Twitter) users have exposed Tony's actions, with many of his tweets being Community Noted to rectify Tony's lies and misinformation. Here are just a few:

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Vote. Tony. Out.

On May 28th, vote Tony Gonzales out of Congress. If you live in Texas District 23, or know someone who does, it's time to vote Tony out and relegate him to the ash heap of history. Take a moment to share this website with them and encourage them to Vote Tony Out on May 28th.

Share this website with those who live in Texas District 23.Hold Tony Gonzales Accountable.

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